Saturday, May 10, 2008

Udawalawa National Park (21/12/2007 & 22/12/2007)

2 days before the last christmas (in 2007) i visited Udawalawa national park with my friends.The Udawalawe National Park situated in the dry zone of the country and belonging to Sabaragamuwa & Uva provinces. The park area is 30,821 ha. The park was established in 1972.

Changeable Hawk-eagle Spizaetus cirrhatus

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis

White-bellied Fish-eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster

WilD LiFe SrILaNka

Though Sri Lanka is very small in land area, the great diversity in habitats harbors are a rich and diverse fauna and flora, with many species endemic to the island. Inside the Island there are lots of National parks, sanctuaries.
Inside this blog i am trying to introduce photog
raphs which i took during my visit to those places.
During my primary school days i used to observe the nature and
wild life. I read books on wild life ( not read actually, but watched the beautiful wildlife pictures inside those books) Because my father was a librarian at that library i read all the wild life book of that library. I tried to sketch animal pictures by looking at them.
After i joined the University of Moratuwa for my higher studies i study the nature in another angle. That is photography.
I have a SONY H-5 cam
era which i bought in 2006 and i took all my photos from it. I hopint to buy a SLR camera in next year.